George Washington Forum Participation

Recent Award Winners

  • Portrait of Natalie Esquivel Natalie EsquivelMajor: Political Science with minors in Spanish and History
  • Portrait of Zach Hampu Zach HampuMajor: History (HTC) with a minor in Business AdministrationReceipient of Honors Tutorial College
  • Portrait of Ashlyn Sleesman Ashlyn SleesmanMajor: Political Science (pre-Law) and Social WorkReceipient of Honors Tutorial College, Margaret Boyd Scholar, Voinovich Undergraduate Research Scholar
  • Portrait of Christian Swart Christian SwartMajor: Economics and Mathematical StatisticsReceipient of Voinovich Undergraduate Research Scholar, Hall Scholar in the Department of Economics
  • Portrait of Ryann Davis Ryann DavisMajor: Political Science
  • Portrait of Ryan Humeniuk Ryan HumeniukMajor: Economics (Honors Tutorial College)Receipient of Honors Tutorial College distinction
  • Portrait of Yashvita Kanuganti Yashvita KanugantiMajor: Linguistics and Religious Studies (Honors Tutorial College)Receipient of Ping Cutler Scholar award, Honors Tutorial College distinction
  • Portrait of Annika Lindsey Annika LindseyMajor: History (Honors Tutorial College)Receipient of Margaret Boyd Scholar award, Honors Tutorial College distinction
  • Portrait of Ben Stiadle Ben StiadleMajor: Molecular/Cellular Biology and Applied Mathematics
  • Portrait of Carys Voinovich Carys VoinovichMajor: Philosophy (Honors Tutorial College)Receipient of Honors Tutorial College distinction
See All Award Winners

Get involved with the Forum

Participating in the Menard Family George Washington Forum comes with many benefits. We offer fellowships and awards to students. Fellows participate in a rigorous reading group, engage with our guest speakers, and are eligible for research support.

Read along with us!

This year we’ve been studying political economy and economic development, with an emphasis on the intersection of ethics and economics. Here’s a list of what we’re reading:

Humanomics: Moral Sentiments and the Wealth of Nations for the 21st Century, by Vernon L. Smith and Bart J. Wilson

Do Markets Corrupt Our Morals? by Virgil H. Storr and Ginny Seung Choi

The Tyranny of Experts: Economists, Dictators, and the Forgotten Rights of the Poor, by William Easterly

How the World Became Rich: The Historical Origins of Economic Growth, by Mark Koyama and Jared Rubin

Discourses on Livy, Machiavelli

Leviathan, Thomas Hobbes

Fable of the Bees, Bernard Mandeville

The Political Works of Andrew Fletcher

An Enquiry Concerning Human Understanding, David Hume

The Theory of Moral Sentiments, Adam Smith

An Inquiry Into the Nature and Causes of the Wealth of Nations, Adam Smith

Lectures on Jurisprudence, Adam Smith


  • George Washington Forum Undergraduate Fellowship

    This award is open to Ohio University undergraduates in all colleges and majors for the 2024 – 2025 academic year.

    Award amount: $2,500Application Deadline is 29 February 2024.Apply

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