George Washington Forum News and Events

GWF Events

The State of the Climate Debate

Monday, 10 November 2014

7:30 PM | Walter Hall Rotunda

Image of Judith A. Curry (Georgia Institute of Technology)

Judith A. Curry (Georgia Institute of Technology)

Judith A. Curry is Professor of Earth and Atmospheric Sciences at the Georgia Institute of Technology. She earned her PhD in geophysical sciences from the University of Chicago and, before moving to Georgia Tech in 2002, taught at the University of Colorado-Boulder, Penn State and Purdue. She serves on the NASA Advisory Council Earth Science Subcommittee and was a member of both the NOAA Climate Working Group and the National Academies Space Studies Board and Climate Research Group. In addition to publishing more than 125 peer-reviewed scientific articles, Curry runs Climate Etc. [], a forum on climate science and the science-policy interface.

Free Market Fairness

Wednesday, 9 April 2014

7:30 PM | Galbreath Chapel (College Green)

Image of John Tomasi (Brown University)

John Tomasi (Brown University)

John Tomasi is Professor of political science at Brown University, where he is the founder and director of Brown’s Political Theory Project. Having taught at Brown since 1993, he earned his D.Phil. in political philosophy from the University of Oxford and has held visiting positions at Princeton, Stanford, Harvard and Arizona. The author of more than two dozen articles and book chapters, he has also written Liberalism Beyond Justice (Princeton, 2001) and, most recently, Free Market Fairness (Princeton, 2012). He is currently completing a book entitled, A Bleeding-Heart History of Libertarianism.

Higher Education in a Reform Era

Monday, 24 March 2014

7:30 PM | Galbreath Chapel (College Green)

Image of Johann Neem (Western Washington University)

Johann Neem (Western Washington University)

Johann Neem is Associate Professor of History at Western Washington University. A graduate of Brown University, he did his doctoral work on American history at the University of Virginia. He is the author of Creating a Nation of Joiners: Democracy and Civil Society in Early National Massachusetts (Harvard, 2008) and has written widely on educational reform.

Conference: Equality and Public Policy

14-16 November 2013

TBA | Baker Center 240/242

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This conference will consider equality as it relates to public policy. Gerald Gaus (Arizona) will deliver the keynote lecture, while Elizabeth Anderson (Michigan), Deirdre McCloskey (Illinois-Chicago), George Sher (Rice), Scott Winship (Manhattan Institute), Steve Horowitz (St. Lawrence) and Tom W. Bell (Chapman Law School) will deliver plenary addresses.

Do Corporations Have Free Speech Rights? (Constitution Day Lecture)

Tuesday, 17 September 2013

7:30 PM | Scripps Hall 111

Image of Alan Meese (College of William & Mary Law School)

Alan Meese (College of William & Mary Law School)

Alan Meese is Ball Professor of Law at the College of William and Mary. He did his undergraduate work at William and Mary, where he graduated first in his class, before attending the University of Chicago Law School. After law school, he clerked first for Judge Frank H. Easterbrook of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Seventh Circuit and then for Justice Antonin Scalia of the U.S. Supreme Court. Before joining the faculty at William and Mary in 1995, he practiced law at Skadden, Arps, Slate, Meagher and Flom in Washington, D.C.

Professor Meese has published widely on antitrust, the economics of tort law, the jurisprudence of economic liberties, affirmative action, and whether corporate directors should be concerned about the welfare of non-shareholder constituencies.